A land division involves the division of an existing land parcel or parcels into two or more allotments.
The process will often take 6-12 months to complete (the time frame can vary depending on a number of factors) and it can be complicated, time-consuming, and daunting for an inexperienced land division applicant.
Accordingly, it is recommended to use an experienced and reputable professional consultancy to help guide you through the process and avoid the pitfalls that can add costs and time to your project.
What is the land division process in South Australia
The land division process is broadly divided into three distinct stages, namely:
Lodging an application with PlanSA & Assessment By Council
A New Adelaide land division application is lodged electronically over the Plan SA portal. The application will be assessed by Council under the Planning, Development, and Infrastructure Act, and this process will often take approximately 2 to 3 months. Council will issue a Planning Decision Notification, granting either approval or refusal of the land division application. Approval of the land division application will generally be subject to Conditions issued by Council.
Compliance with the Land Division Conditions of Approval
The applicant is required to comply with the Conditions of Approval listed on the Planning Decision Notification issued by the Council. The Conditions of Approval may include some or all of the following requirements:
- Demolition of an existing house and other structures on the land
- Payment of fees to SA Water for new water and sewer connections
- Payment of Open Space Fund and Land Division Certificate fees to the State Planning Commission
- The preparation of a Final Plan of Division by a licensed surveyor.
The application can only proceed to Stage 3 after all of the Conditions of Approval have been complied with.
Lands Titles Office
When all the Conditions of Approval have been satisfied, the Final Plan of Division can be lodged at the Lands Titles Office. Documentation facilitating the issuing of new Certificates of Title is also to be prepared and lodged. A Conveyancer or Solicitor may be engaged to undertake this work.
The plan and supporting documentation may take around 3 to 4 weeks to be examined and approved. Once the plan is deposited in the Lands Titles Office, settlements on the new allotments can take place.
An Experienced & Reputable Land Division Consultant Can Simplify What Can Be A Complex Process
Land Division Consultants are experts in land division matters and they can make your land division experience a positive and simple one.
The attached diagram explains how Sawley Lock O’Callaghan can assist you with your land division project. We have been helping customers with their land division projects for over 50 years and know how to save you time, money and headaches.
Further information on the Land Division Process can also be obtained from the Lands Services SA fact sheet via the following link.
To learn more about the Land division process in South Australia please contact our team
To get assistance with your specific Land Division project please call our team on
(08) 8344 1522. We look forward to helping you with your land division project.
Disclaimer. The information contained in this publication is a guide only and independent professional advice should be sought before beginning the process of dividing the land. Sawley Lock O’Callaghan will be happy to discuss your specific land division proposal.