Land Division Adelaide Hills

Sub-Dividing and Property Development

A land division involves the division of an existing land parcel or parcels into two or more allotments. Land Divisions are one of the core parts of our business, and our project managers are experts in the managing of applications for the division of land. Whether the land division is a small one or a large subdivision, we are able to assist clients with the land division process from start to finish, including the following:

  • Evaluating a proposal to divide land against the requirements of the council development plan
  • Preparation and lodging of land division applications
  • Advising clients with regard to Council, SA Water, and State Commission Assessment Panel requirements for land divisions
  • Surveying the land and marking of the new property boundaries
  • Preparation of final land division plans and lodging of the plan with the Lands Titles Office
  • Liaising with our client and with other relevant professionals in regard to the issuing of new Certificates of Title
Land Division Adelaide
Land Division Adelaide (subdividing)

Our experienced Adelaide Hills land division consultants are here to help you

Our experienced team includes licensed surveyors and specialist land division managers, and we aim to provide our clients with reliable, personal, and professional service. We also offer quality solutions and outcomes along with outstanding value for money. We have land division managers and administration staff, plan drafters, and licensed surveyors all working in our office. This means that we don’t have to go outside of the firm for the preparation of your plans or for the hiring of our field surveyors. This gives us a critical advantage in ensuring the efficiency of our delivery and in minimising the time frames when your land division passes from one phase to the next.

Working with you throughout the land division process.

Above all, we’re consultants. We will work with you throughout the land division process, and we will also consult with you when correspondence is received about your land division application. Our expert team will be there to offer constructive advice from start to finish. After all, we are here to help!

What is the procedure for subdividing a block of land in South Australia?

Adelaide land division application to divide the land into two or more allotments may take in the order of 6 months to complete, but the time frame can vary depending on a number of factors. Sawley Lock O’Callaghan is an expert in the management of land division applications and we’ll be able to guide you through the entire process.

When you contact Sawley Lock O’Callaghan our staff will be able to discuss your specific proposal with you, and provide advice in relation to your proposal’s compliance with Planning and Design Code policies.

The Land Division Process

The land division process is broadly divided into three distinct stages, namely:

  1. Assessment by Council

The planning phase during which the application is assessed under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act, will often take approximately 2 to 3 months. Council will issue a Planning Decision Notification, granting either approval or refusal of the land division application. An approval of the land division application will generally be subject to Conditions of Approval issued by Council.

Sub-dividing & property development in Adelaide
  1. Compliance with the Land Division Conditions of Approval

The applicant is required to comply with the Conditions of Approval listed on the Planning Decision Notification issued by Council. The Conditions of Approval may include some or all of the following requirements:

  • Demolition of an existing house and other structures on the land
  • Payment of fees to SA Water for new water and sewer connections
  • Payment of Open Space Fund and Land Division Certificate fees to the State Planning Commission
  • The preparation of a Final Plan of Division by Sawley Lock O’Callaghan

The application can only proceed to Stage 3 after all of the Conditions of Approval have been complied with.

  1. Lands Titles Office

When all the Conditions of Approval have been satisfied, the Final Plan of Division can be lodged at the Lands Titles Office. Documentation facilitating the issuing of new Certificates of Title is also to be prepared and lodged. A Conveyancer or Solicitor may be engaged to undertake this work.

The plan and supporting documentation may take around 3 to 4 weeks to be examined and approved. Once the plan is deposited in the Lands Titles Office, settlements on the new allotments can take place.

We Will Help You Simplify What Can Be A Complex Process

We are experts in land division matters and it is our aim to make your land division experience a positive and simple one. The correspondence we send you during the land division application will detail what is to happen next, and what, if any, information we require from you at that time.  You can contact us at any time if you have any questions about the current status of your application.

To get assistance with your Land Division Adelaide please call our team on (08) 8344 1522. We look forward to helping you with your next project

Different Land Divisions

Based in Adelaide (South Australia) our firm provides surveying and associated services throughout the State.  It is our aim to provide our clients with a very high standard of professional services. Many options exist within each type of proposal and we can advise you on those that best relate to your particular circumstances.

A Torrens Title is a single certificate of title for an allotment of land. It is the most common type of title in South Australia, and the majority of land divisions in South Australia involve the division of land into Torrens Title land parcels. Our firm is engaged to administer many land division applications each year and we believe that we are experts in the field. With Sawley Lock O’Callaghan, your project will be handled by an experienced and efficient team – and our reputation depends in the provision of quality advice and service to our clients. Whether you have never previously been involved with a land division, or whether you are an experienced developer of land – you can be confident that Sawley Lock O’Callaghan can provide you with the expertise and service that you need.

To learn more about Torrens title land divisions in Adelaide please click the link

Community Title divisions involve the division of land into land parcels (Lots) and Common Property. Each lot has its own Certificate of Title and can therefore be bought and sold separately, just as with Torrens Title allotments. The Community Title scheme though has areas of Common Property, which can be used for common areas (such as shared driveways, or recreation space) or associated with the provision of common service infrastructure to the various lots (e.g. water, electricity, gas and sewer services). The boundaries for each lot in a Community Division are defined by dimensions (bearings and distances) just as allotment boundaries are defined in Torrens Title divisions. Besides residential development, there are many other examples where a Community Division can be used – including for commercial and industrial premises, agricultural, viticultural and horticultural land, and many others. Some of these developments may be large estates with a large number of lots. We will be very happy to assist you with your Community Division.

Community Strata divisions are often associated with multi storey developments, where lots exist above other lots. A plan sheet depicting the various lots is drawn for each level of the building. The boundaries for each lot are defined by the physical buildings and structures themselves – there are generally no dimensions shown to individual lot boundaries. This means that in a new building development, the Community Strata process cannot be completed until the building structure is complete and the boundaries are defined by the structures. The structure of a building is considered to be part of the Common Property of the Community Scheme. A Community Strata division can be used for existing or new developments, for as few as two lots, or for a large number of lots in multi storey developments. We can undertake the preparation of the land division application and the necessary survey and plan preparation work that will lead to the creation of your Community Strata scheme and its individual lots.

Sawley Lock O’Callaghan has completed many small to large scale subdivision estates for a variety of residential, commercial, industrial and rural living uses. These commissions involve the planning, surveying and monitoring of applications on behalf of clients.

We take pride in offering a “one-stop shop” for developers seeking to undertake a major land subdivision. We offer a Project Management service that manages the subdivision from start to finish. We not only are involved in the planning and field surveying processes, but we can manage the construction phase of the subdivision – overseeing the engineering requirements of subdivisions and the building of roads and service infrastructure.

We specialise in assisting rural land owners with land division applications to divide or re-align land parcels, and in creating rural living-sized allotments around farm houses. Our company has always been experts in the provision of rural surveying services. Our principal Max Sayer grew up in the mid-north of the state and consults regularly in rural areas, and our other director Damian Brogden has consulted in the Riverland and other areas for many years.

Crown land is common in parts of South Australia including in many rural areas. A large part of our practice is based on rural land surveying, and we are well equipped to assist in surveying and land division matters involving Crown Land.

To review our other land surveying services please click here

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